Saturday 22 November 2014

6. They’ll criticize everything that comes their way and you being the lesser mortal will always be the victim of it.

1. They are almost always free, which to them is a license to bug you at any time of the day.

2. Though their dependency on alcohol and psycho-stimulants might seem attractive at first but you’ll soon realize that’s a grave problem in itself.

3. Most of them keep looking for an ‘inspiration’ in everything and get over-analytical which is annoying as duck.

4. They are always travelling, which is a good thing for them but most writers like to spend time alone which axiomatically means they’ll be travelling without you.

5. You’ll have to be interesting enough to earn their attention, if they don’t find you interesting they’ll ignore you and not even give an explanation.
 6. They’ll criticize everything that comes their way and you being the lesser mortal will always be the victim of it.

7. Writers have a huge ego-problem (though most of them don’t accept it but it’s true).

8. They would not give a rat’s ass about your opinions, for them you’re just another yammering idiot.

9. They’ll never write anything that you want them to write, never.

10. Whatever you write in general would always be up for scrutiny and grammar checks.

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