Saturday 22 November 2014

11 Type of People Who Benefit From The Unforgiving Scorch Of Summers

The perfect opportunity to let loose after hiding under all those layers for months.
WomenImage Source

2. Men
With all those resplendent women around, why would any man be unhappy.
MenImage Source

3. Home Appliance Manufacturers
Happy time for Refrigerators and Air Conditioners.
Home ApplianceImage Source

4. Cola Giants
And the shiny new refrigerator is thus stacked up with ample supplies of cola.
Cola GiantsImage Source

5. Cooler Industry of India
Gust of cool breeze for you and their lives.
CoolerImage Source

6. Lemon Soda Guy
Lemon and ice with sugar, salt and everything nice.
Lemon SodaImage Source

7. Ice Cream Manufacturers

What becomes of us without that heavenly scoop of ice-cream in summers.
Ice CreamImage Source

8. Inverter People
When power cuts are a pain in your rear, do not worry, the inverter guys are here.
Inverter PeopleImage Source

9. Chuski Guy
The very sight of this humble creature induces stars in your eyes and too much of saliva in your mouth.
Chuski GuyImage Source

10. Beer Manufacturers
Just another reason for getting drunk.
Beer ManufacturersImage Source

11. Jaadu
This little guy apparently needs it the most.
JaaduImage Source

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