Monday 20 July 2015

20 Super-Sized Animals That Grew Out Their Kind And Are Here To Haunt Your Dreams

When evolution goes out of its way to prank nature, this happens. Presenting a list of overgrown animals who are bigger than they should be and without doubt terrifying.

anmil_1This type of horse is a percheron. They were originally bred for war but become suited to farm work. The pictured is the largest known.

anmil_2These giant snails are found in East Africa and can reach up to 8 inches in length. It’s a nuisance pest of urban areas, and it spreads human disease.

anmil_3Originally found in South and Central America, these toads are a nuisance to Australia’s wildlife. It has few predators because of it’s extremely toxic skin.

anmil_4This is one of the rarest dogs in the world (A Leonberger) – Following WW2, it was reported that there was only 8 of these bad boys left. There are many more now, but they can all be traced back to the original eight.

anmil_5Giant weta cricket: Jiminy Cricket here is only found on a small island near New Zealand (the lesser Monster Island, next to Australia). It’s large enough to devour a carrot. And probably your hand.

anmil_6Saltwater crocodile: This is the largest crocodile that was ever captured, over 21 feet long. It was captured alive after a three week hunt.

anmil_7This is the largest bat on the planet. There is no camera trick in this image.

anmil_8The Hercules Moth – Professionals have recently agreed that the Hercules Moth is the largest moth in the world, overtaking the Atlas Moth by millimetres.

anmil_9Giant freshwater stingray: Otherwise known as nightmare fuel, these monsters can grow up to 1,300 lbs and are actually endangered.

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