Tuesday 19 May 2015

8 Foods That Can Make You Happy And Sad At The Same Time

2. Every genre of fried food in the world.Every oil-trickling samosa, every seductress of a French fry might come with an inevitable aftermath that we all fear, but that is some sweet, sweet poison we keep craving for and probably suffer in silence later.

3. Sugar, Spice aren’t really that nice.We are quite famous for our affair with our ‘meetha’ and the truckloads of spice we can fit in a single curry pan but sadly, but our stomach might not agree with either.

4. Say Cheese
You can’t, not after you’ve added cheesy goodness to that sumptuous meal  you devoured. Wait for a while, this might just be the calm before the storm.

5. Red Meat-a-luscious.
The drool-inducing kormas, the heavenly kebabs and the lip-smacking niharis , each of them has the capability to strike back with a vengeance which may result in a night of digestive turmoil.

6. Your cuppa JoeYeah, that’s right, the early morning caffeine kick that you so badly crave and can’t start your day without could be a deceiving double agent and a threat to the peace treaty you have with your tummy.

 7. Butter
We as Indians have pledged our loyalty to the divine entity, even our gods crave it. We just cannot imagine our breakfasts without butter and that might be the reason why we spend sleepless nights battling with our poor belly.

8. ChocolatesIt breaks my heart to tell you this, but your favourite chocolate bar is allegedly one of the convicts behind your grumbling abdomen. True Story!

While one might not be able to refrain from all of these food items despite knowing the aftermath, which might be acidity, Eno would be able to provide fast relief from acidity.

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