Monday 10 November 2014

Shocking Allegations On Gandhiji That Are Going To Make You Faint

1. Gandhi was having sex with his wife, when his father lay breathing his last upstairs. As a result, he decided to abstain himself from sex.

2. Gandhi used to beat his wife up routinely. He had also denied sex to her for decades.

3. Gandhi slept naked with his niece (and 12 year old girls) and other women to prove that he could control his manliness.

4. Gandhi was an adulterer and had a spiritual marriage with two British women who were in the Ashram.

5. Gandhi would do enemas twice a day and if he liked you, allowed you to enter the piece up his rectum.

6. Gandhi’s son left him and converted to Islam.

7. Which war did Mohandas Gandhi support? All of them. There wasn’t a war that the prophet of Non-Violence did not support.

8. Gandhi used to write letters to his friend Hitler and supported him.

9. Gandhi’s horrific advice to Jews—Commit mass suicide.

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