Monday 17 November 2014

14 Types Of Annoying People You Have On Your Facebook List

All of Facebook is a stage and we are mere players where we live and play our respective roles in this enormity of social media and hence have respective attributes and characters, hence we bring you different kind of individuals that you find on Facebook.

1. The self-obsessing, selfie posting maniac who thinks Facebook is  his/her personal diary and everyone comes there just to be graced  with their online presence.

2. People who have just been through a break up ,and are screaming for sympathy by posting emo-quotes on statuses.

3. People who are in the honeymoon period of their relationship and post everything from cheesy love notes to ‘first peck on the cheek’ anniversary.

4. Pseudo-intellectuals who keep quoting famous authors they might not even have heard about.
“I am a bird in search of a cage” – Franz Kafka , and might change the poor Austrian writer’s nationality when confronted about it.

5. That annoying bastard who just got a DSLR and made an “Annoying Bastard” Photography  page and keeps coercing you to “Like” it.

6. Relatives whom you just can’t ignore and who secretly keep monitoring all your online activity to use it as a weapon in future.

7. The person who treats Facebook as Foursquare and posts an update the minute he changes his location from his bedroom to the toilet.
treats FacebookImage Source8. The person who keeps forgetting he has an account on Facebook and suddenly after an year of dormancy, erupts into a volcano of status updates and photos.

9. That one person who is seen online all the time but you’ll never witness an update or receive a personal message from, even after you’ve tried to initiate the conversation.

10. That random pretty girl who sent you a friend request and you accepted out of sheer “curiosity” (at least that’s what you tell your friends) but never replies  to a single message of yours.

11. The guy who keeps creating random pages every other day and needs to stop, like right now.

12. People who are on Facebook just to play online games such as Farmville and Candy Crush and keep sending you those darn requests which keep instigating you to commit a cold-blooded murder.

13. The twitter addict who keeps over-using the hashtags on Facebook.

14. And finally the stalker who keeps “liking” every picture and status and religiously  sends a weekly “hi” despite of not replying for years, about time you hit “Unfriend”. 

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