Monday 24 November 2014

10 Things That Only Your Closest Of Friends Can Do To You And Still Remain Alive To Speak About It

1. They insult and humiliate you in public, but the moment anyone else does it, they make sure that he/she has an empty glass bottle smashed right into their faces.

2. Eat the whole box of assorted chocolates that was a gift from your mother, then take you out to have that stupid pastry you have been craving the whole week.

3. They never lose a chance to criticize your choice of romantic partner and insult them beyond the level of human tolerance, but are always there to give you relationship advice  and throw a pile of expletives if that doesn’t work, “That Bitch!”

4. Mock your taste in music ,but would be found dancing to the tunes of Yo Yo Honey Singh after a few shots of tequila.

5. Yell at you for no reason, and cry like a baby on your shoulder later that night, narrating all their tales of woe. 
signs you found© Image Source6. Put you down in your class for lagging back in studies, but before doing that they make sure that they have secretly submitted your copy of assignment and had all the important notes photocopied for you.

7. Send you all those asinine Candy Crush Saga Requests  and not get a foul mouthed bashing in return , as they didn’t do it when you were dealing with your Farmville addiction.

8. Go through your drawer and personal belongings , what could they possibly find there that they don’t know about.

9. Call your mother and father names, and you don’t mind because the ‘connection’ you have enables you to understand that they probably respect your parents more than you do.

10. They sometimes unintentionally might say things that could leave you emotionally wrecked and you decide to never ever talk to them in this life, but the moment they come out and apologize your heart just melts away because you know they could kill for you and you love them so fucking much.
minion rush

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