Sunday 9 November 2014

10 Signs You Are Born To Do Something Big In This World

1. You keep asking yourself about the true meaning of life and what you want to achieve out of this.
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2. Despite being praised by people you are never satisfied with your achievements and keep trying to make yourself better and better.
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3. Somewhere deep inside your heart – you always keep thinking how you can bring a change to this world.
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4. You are calculative about your life and only take actions when you feel inspired.

5. You’re filled with hope and optimism about the future.
optimism6. You don’t do things for the sake of doing them – but to learn through them. You seek knowledge in books, on the internet and in real conversations you have with others. real-conversationsImage Source

7. You have a kind heart and you do not hesitate to go out of your way to help others.
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8. You have never been able to choose between Power, Money and Happiness. The very idea of choosing among the three just doesn’t make any sense to you.
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9. You might not be sure about many things in life – but one thing you know for sure is that you don’t want to be Just another Face in the Mob.
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10. You dream big.

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