Thursday 13 November 2014

10 Reasons Why India Is The Most Delightful Country In The World

6. Because India’s architecture abilities have kicked ass for a long, long time.

architecture© Image Source

7. Because Indians never gave a shit about other civilizations. To support the fact let us tell you that India hasn’t invaded any country in her last 100000 years.
civilizations© Image Source

8. Because India is the home to Great Himalayas – the highest mountains in the world, the beauty of which attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year from across the world.
Great Himalayas© Image Source

9. Because here anything and everything is possible – you just need to master the tricks of getting things done the right way.
money© Image Source

10. From sacred holy places to the new-age rave culture – one can find it all here.
holy places 1. Because India defines the true meaning of Being a Free Country.
Free Country© Image Source

2. Still not convinced? Beat this…
convinced© Image Source

3. From haunted caves to lush greenery, from world’s top megacities to vast empty forests – India is the land of many paradoxes.
haunted caves© Image Source

4. Because here you can bathe in Ganga and almost every other river that the country has to offer – since the water is not all unbearably toxic.
Ganga© Image Source

5. Because India produces one of the best quality marijuana you can ever find on earth.
quality marijuana© Image Source

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