Tuesday 25 November 2014

1. That one guy who himself has a postpaid connection but has all the instant mobile recharge apps installed on his phone, because he’s the one who gets her recharges done. And you know what’s sadder, not a single paisa of that amount is spent on calling him.
That one guy
© Image Source
2. This poor lad who is brilliant at academics but had his blessing turned into a curse when he agrees to help this girl he likes and ends up finishing all her assignments. Every freakin’ time!!
This poor lad\

3. That one guy she hangs out with all the time just to create an illusion that she’s not available. Hence, keeping all the potential Romeos at bay.
That one guy she hangs out©\

Also Read: Things That Girls Don’t Like About Boys

4. At the stroke of midnight hour this guy remains awake and alert, on the other side of the phone, just because she can’t sleep or is feeling low about something that seems important to her but is actually batpoop.
At the stroke of midnight hour© Image Source

5. The ‘back-up’ guy who is on the receiving end of mixed signals from the girl, there is no official declaration of the relationship but is deceptively convinced of being in one. Yeah, that sucks.
The ‘back-up’ guy\

6. The mobility guy, the one she is only friends with because he owns a set of wheels and is an efficiently managed free pick and drop service to her.
free pick and drop service© Image Source

7. The one she seeks refuge in when she lands into trouble at home, with the “good boy” image in the girl’s house, he is only summoned to falsely testify before her parents but he does with a smile.
grinning peter\

8. Then there’s the actual nice guy who she likes to spend most of her time with, the one who makes her laugh, the one who lets her be but is incessantly blocked by this asshole of a boyfriend who she can’t get enough of.
meet your husband

9. “I love you but just as a friend” guy, the sad part is she leaves a small window of hope open and he keeps clinging on to that.
Jacob and Bella twilight

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