Saturday 18 October 2014

The Whatsappia disease!!

1) Waking up in the morning and the first thing you do is check your WhatsApp!

2) Checking peoples ‘last seen’ and judging at
what time do they sleep/wake up!

3) Stalking peoples status and wishing that you
could have the same one!

4) Checking out a friends profile picture for a
rather long time!

5) Continuously checking a persons ‘last seen’
if he/she hasn’t yet replied!

6) Checking who’s online on your list so that
you can chat with them!

7) Trying to figure out who’s texting whom!

8) Wanting to block your own ‘last seen’ but wanting
to be able to see others ‘last seen’!

9) Wondering how a person is perpetually online!!!

10) Randomly waking up at night and going online to boost your ‘last seen’!

Don’t laugh alone… Share it with others if you have at least few of the symptoms!


Smartphone Zombies

More and more people are spending more and more time with their smartphone . Whether on the way to the bus , in a social gathering or while smoking a cigarette. The flood of information available to us permanently with the smart phone , people can slip out of reality and turns them into zombies - zombies smartphone .
Based on everyday situations such as empty venues , a restaurant scene and a bustling downtown , a very dramatic and unique atmosphere is shown . The whole is complemented by a specially composed musical composition .

Click here to watch this video

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