Friday 24 October 2014

Never encourage Beggary


Have you ever wondered ... "


""Near the metro station sits a woman of uncertain age. Women’s hair is confused and dirty, her head bowed in grief.

The woman sits on the dirty floor and next to her lies a bag. In that bag people throw money. On the hands of a woman, asleep, is a two year old baby. He's in a dirty hat and dirty clothes.

“Madonna with baby” - numerous passers - by will donate money. The people of our kind- we always feel sorry for less fortunate. We are ready to give unfortunate people the last shirt, the last penny out of your pocket and never think another issue.

Helping, seems like. “Good job done”

I walked past a beggar for a month. Did not give any money, as I knew that this is a gang operated scam and money collected by the beggar will be given to whoever controls beggars in the area. Those people own numerous luxury properties and cars.

Oh and beggar also gets something, of course “ A bottle of vodka in the evening and a döner kebab”.

A month later, walking past the beggars, as shock, it suddenly hit me….

I'm staying at a busy crossing, stared at the baby, dressed as always- dirty track suit. I realized that it seemed "wrong", finding a child in a dirty underground station from morning to evening. The baby slept. Never sobbed or screamed, always asleep, burying his face in the knee of a woman who was his MUM.

Do any of you, dear readers, have children? Remember how often they slept at the age of 1-2-3 years? Hour two, maximum three (not consecutive) afternoon nap, and again – movement. For the whole month, every day of my walking in the underground, I've never seen a child awake! I looked at the tiny little man, with his face buried in the knee of his mother, then at the beggar, and my suspicion was gradually formed. "Why he sleeps all the time?" I asked, staring at the baby.

The beggar pretended not to hear me. She lowered her eyes and hid her face in the collar of her shabby jacket. I repeated the question. The woman again looked up. She looked somewhere behind my back, tired with utter irritation. Her look was similar to the creatures from a different planet. F **k off ... her lips murmured. "Why is he asleep?" I almost cried ...

Behind me someone put his hand on my shoulder. I looked back. A some old man was looking at me disapprovingly:

– What do you want from her? Can’t you see how hard she’s got it in her life… Eh … He gets some coins from his pocket and throws them in the beggar’s bag.

Beggar made a hand wave of a cross, portraying the face of humility and universal grief. The guy removed his hand from my shoulder and strolled out of the underground station. I bet, at home, he will tell how he defended poor, distraught woman from a soulless man in a tube station.

Next day I called a friend. It was a funny man with eyes like olives Romanian nationality. He only managed to complete three and a half years of education. The complete lack of education does not prevent him from moving around the City streets on very expensive foreign cars and live in a “small” house with countless number of windows and balconies. From my friend I managed to find out that this business, despite the apparent spontaneity, clearly organized. Its supervised by begging organized crime rings. The children used are in "rent" from families of alcoholics, or simply stolen.

I needed to get the answer to the question – why is the baby sleeping? And I received it. My friend Gypsy said the phrase, completely ordinary with calm voice that twisted me in shock, just like he was talking about weather report:
-They are on heroin, or vodka ...
I was dumbfounded. "Who is on heroin? Whom – under vodka?! "
He answered
-The Child, so he doesn’t scream. The women will be sitting whole day with him, imagine how he might get bored?

In order to make the baby slept the whole day, it pumped up with vodka or drugs. Of course, children's bodies are not able to cope with such a shock. And children often die. The most terrible thing – sometimes children die during the "working day". And imaginary mother must hold another dead child on her hands until the evening. These are the rules. And the by passers-by will throw some money in the bag, and believe that they are moral.

Helping imaginary "mother alone"

The next day I was walking near the same underground station. I stocked up journalistic identity, and was ready for a serious conversation. But the conversation didn't work out. But turned out the following. A woman was sitting on the floor and in her hands she was holding a child. I asked her a question about the documents on the child, and, most importantly, where was yesterday's kid, which she simply ignored. My questions were not ignored by passers-by. I was told that I was out of my mind screaming at poor beggar with a child. All in all, I was escorted out of the tube station in disgrace. One thing remained was to call the police. When police arrived, beggar with the baby disappeared. I stood with a full sense of - “I'm trying to fight windmills”.

When you see in the subway, on the street whether women with children, begging, think before your hand climb for money. Think about that, if it wasn't for your hundreds of thousands of handouts, the business like this would have died. The business would die and not the children-inflated with vodka or drugs. Do not look at the sleeping child with affection. See horror… Since you're reading this article, you know now- why the child is sleeping in beggars hands.

And when you decide again to open your wallet to throw a coin to a beggar, remember that this charity could cost another child's life."

Hoax or Fact:
The message claims that beggars on the busy streets and subways operate in gangs, and to cash people's sentiments - they even hire babies and drug them to sleep. It is a fact, it has happened and is happening in few places around the world.
Begging Scandal with Infants

Begging with infant children in their arms has been an old technique of beggars to cash the sentiments of people. The adult beggars, mostly the mothers, actually make the babies look pathetic so that they will appeal to the sympathy of public. It is sad to know that even infants under the age of 3 are used as begging tools. And unfortunately, some latest credible reports say that this begging business with children has turned into a scandal, where the infants are even drugged for days.
The infants are drugged for two reasons - it makes adult beggar’s work easier, and also succeeds to earn from the sympathy of unsuspecting public. In such cases, the adult beggar is not even the actual parent of the child, the child is in fact hired - rented on a day to day basis. It was shocking to learn that the infants were given doses of depressants like cough syrups, sleeping tablets and even injected with narcotic substances. The adult beggars take these drugged babies in alms and carry out their begging business throughout the day, under hot sun and extreme weather. Under the influence of these drugs, the children sleep for days and end up dying sometimes.
Child Trafficking for Begging Business

Reports say that there is a significant link between child begging and child trafficking. In many places, small children are even trafficked across countries for these purposes of benefit fraud, begging and theft. There are few instances when surprisingly large begging rackets were busted. The begging business with children is operated in gangs, some of which are even controlled by mafia. The high profile gangs exploits the beggars, also using the hapless kids. The less privileged beggars do it for the sake of food and money. There are also reports that if the beggars do not earn well using the babies, they will be beaten up by their ‘guardians’.
Consequences of Encouraging Child Begging

When you find a lonely mother on streets with a sleeping baby in her arms, you may sympathize with her and simply lend a helping hand in the form of some money. But you may be missing to see the broader picture behind that child's fate. There can be more more complicated issues going on behind their cute faces and pathetic clothes, and unknowingly you may in fact be doing them harm by encouraging begging.
When you give money to those begging kids on street, you are in fact paying them to not be in school. Their parents too get used to this money their child earns from begging, and encourage begging and other crimes - spoiling the future of the child. Begging discourages the parents to make honest efforts of finding a good work, and it comes to be regarded as work. This way begging has become a legacy for majority of families involved in the 'business'. The parents train their children and engage them into begging and even crimes like stealing. Unfortunately, that is the kind of education they give their children. And this legacy goes on, making begging families into groups and then gangs. In these cases, the money you offer out of sympathy can also go to criminal gangs that run the operation from behind the scenes.


Child Beggars in New Delhi, India

Since the release of the hit film: "Slumdog Millionaire," which portrayed children in the slums of Mumbai, there has been increasing international scrutiny of child begging in India. Now, New Delhi's Department of Social Welfare has launched a city-wide campaign to reduce the number of child beggars. Government officials are urging anyone in the capital who sees a child begging to call a telephone hotline, rather than give them money. Linda Blake reports from New Delhi, India.

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